#4 Contact center as a service (CCaaS)

The Avaya Experience Platform (AXP) enables organizations to foster innovation according to their unique needs, harmonizing customer experience, employee experience, and business growth initiatives within a single platform. As the world’s leading CX solution, it is trusted by global organizations to drive innovation on their terms.


The AXP which is CCaaS (Contact Center as a Service) is a comprehensive cloud-based solution designed to enhance customer engagement and streamline contact center operations. It offers a range of tools and features including omnichannel communication, advanced analytics, AI-driven insights, and automation capabilities. These features allow businesses to deliver personalized, efficient, and consistent customer service across various channels such as voice, email, chat, and social media. By leveraging the cloud, AXP CCaaS ensures scalability, flexibility, and reliability, enabling organizations to adapt quickly to changing customer needs and market dynamics.

Featured Products

- AXP – The Avaya Experience Platform (AXP) CCaaS is a cloud-based solution enhancing customer engagement with advanced communication, analytics, and automation tools. - D Connect – The only voice connectivity solution in Thailand that has multi-provider numbers that can integrate with cloud call center software such as AXP.

#1 AXP

The Avaya Experience Platform (AXP) CCaaS is a cloud-based solution enhancing customer engagement with advanced communication, analytics, and automation tools.

#2 D Connect

The only voice connectivity solution in Thailand that has multi-provider numbers that can integrate with cloud call center software such as AXP.

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